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The quantum relations principle- managing our future in the age of intelligent machines
The quantum relations principle- managing our future in the age of intelligent machines
The quantum relations principle- managing our future in the age of intelligent machines
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《The quantum relations principle: managing our future in the age of intelligent machines》
Drawing extensively on the current critical state of affairs at the global level, this book highlights the vital importance of systemic thinking and integrated, transformative knowledge in bringing about a paradigm shift from fragmented, linear ways of thinking to holistic ones, based on the interconnectedness of the web of life. It offers a comprehensive vision and innovative solutions for a sustainable future of our planet, combining traditional wisdom with advanced scientific knowledge and high-end, state-of-the-art information technology.
This integration of resources is the premise for the planetary wisdom we so deeply need in order to transform the present global crisis into an opportunity for further human development.
Hardy F. Schloer
Hardy F. Schloer is an ICT Scientist and an International Business and Government Consultant who is currently based in Germany and Malaysia.
Dr Mihai I. Spariosu
Dr Mihai I. Spariosu is Distinguished Research Professor at the University of Georgia, Athens, in the United States.
The quantum relations principle: managing our future in the age of intelligent machines-目錄導覽說明
- Preface
Part One.
The Quantum Relations Principle: Theoretical Foundations
Chapter 1. What is the Quantum Relations Principle?
Chapter 2. Why is Quantum Relations Quantum?
Chapter 3. The Quantum Relations Principle as Computational Tool
Chapter 4. Quantum Relations Theory : Philosophical Underpinnings and Ethical Implications
Part Two.
The Quantum Relations Technology: Global Applications
Chapter 5. The Operating System of the Quantum Relations Technology : The Interactive Search, Analysis and Transaction Environment
Chapter 6. The Global Value Exchange: Managing Commerce in the 21st Century
Chapter 7. The Global Healthcare Exchange: Managing Human Services in the 21st Century
Chapter 8. Planetary Network of Intercultural Centers for Integrative Knowledge, Technology, and Human Development: Managing Global Learning and Research in the 21st Century
In Lieu of Conclusion
Brief History of the Quantum Relations Principle
Bibliographical References
- 台新銀行貸款利率
- 作者:Hardy F. Schloer、Mihai I. Spa
- 出版社:臺灣大學
台新銀行貸款 - 出版日:2016/11/1
- ISBN:9789863501923
- 語言:英文
- 適讀年齡:全齡適讀
銀行房屋貸款率利最低銀行 2018
The quantum relations principle- managing our future in the age of intelligent machines
The quantum relations principle- managing our future in the age of intelligent machines
The quantum relations principle- managing our future in the age of intelligent machines
商品網址: http://www.kingstone.com.tw/book/book_page.asp?kmcode=2011140002296&RID=C1000302652&lid=book_class_sec_se&actid=WISE
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